1st Year Magic


Magical is the word that pops into my mind when describing the first year of our baby’s life. I smile just reminiscing. The wonder in these 365 days action – packed with every shade of emotion and many eventful occurrences. I remember when she smiled for the first time- a real knowing smile, about 6 weeks in. My heart melted, a little bit more than I knew was possible. I was mush in her little fingers. We had a good laugh, when she started attempting to crawl at 3 months, she will push her self forward and could only manage an arm’s length movement.


We call her Lil-kicker, because she kicked ferociously, even in the womb. I spent many a night soothing her with baby music as she kicked from midnight onwards- we made videos of my belly popping up and down.

At nine months, I am tidying the living room, putting her toys away in her playpen and as per the usual music is playing in the background. Out of my peripheral view, I see her cruising rather quickly to the TV stand. She holds the edge and starts bursting dance moves to my amazement. Haha, I laughed and called out to her father ”darling quickly, some see” He rushes into the room to witness her dancing with the biggest grin on her face. It is safe to say her African genetic heritage is strong. She dances every time she hears music to the amusement of her nursery friends and minders. I have a baby with a BIG personality.

The year before I became pregnant with my daughter, I used to fantasize about all the fun thing we will do as a family. I’ve always been a keepsake kinda girl. I even have memory books from secondary school and university. I like to keep things that spark joy. So I knew I will have my camera ready, a baby journal to document the whole journey and also memory/ scrapbooks to detail fun moments.

As the days turn into months and months merge to form a year, I feel satisfied with all the material I have gathered. From her hospital ankle tags to her first outfit,  a lock of baby hair to christening candles, her first pair of socks to the scoop in her first tin of formula. I have also kept some outfits worn on days we formed key memories. These will be turned into a lovely patchwork blanket with a faux fur underlay.

As these magical mementos begin to accumulate, I’m left with the question of storage-, where do I stash all these? Thankfully, we were gifted by her godfather  a My 1st year’s box with a personalised name bunny -what a treat!

It comes in a Tiffany blue box with a magnetic closure. The size is a dream, as it’s big enough to store quite a number of items and yet a nice size to store away without needing too much space. It’s also a sight for sore eyes, the blue has a calming effect and is pretty to look at, so it can be carefully stashed in a corner within eye view.

It also comes with the cutest personalised stuffed bunny in a dusty pink colour. It is very soft and cuddly and a perfectly photographable prop. I store the bunny in the keepsake box as I plan on keeping it long term.

Now our girl is growing into a little toddler, running around and stacking her building blocks everywhere, I am excited and look forward to many more happy moments.

Like me, have you accumulated some baby mementos you need storage boxes for?


With Love Always,






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