The Woman In My Life


I saw the earth and wanted to join in the party

A vessel I needed to choose

I searched far and wide

High and low

For that one I will call mama

I found you

Oh yes I found you


But you were surrounded by others

I heard you were the best vessel out there

So many wanted you to be their mom

I thought to myself

Only if they knew


As I fought my way through

Wading through the crowd

Whilst others were clamouring

I was nesting

I was at peace

You accepted me

Your love wrapped me like a warm blanket


You nourished me

You taught me

You guided me

You counselled me

You shared my joy

You gave me a shoulder to cry on


I love you mother

Your cheerfulness

Your laughter

The vastness of your knowledge

Your compassion


I chose you mom

And if I had to do it again

I will choose you all over again


-Chichi Morris 2015


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